On Monday, the Department of the Interior and Grand Teton National Park announced the purchase of the 640-acre Kelly parcel ...
share your struggles, and work towards meaningful transformation. If you're ready to take the first step toward better mental health, contact Sagebrush Psychotherapy.
HABITAT: Coastal California gnatcatchers are found exclusively in coastal sage scrub habitat. Coastal sage scrub is composed of low-growing, drought-deciduous, and succulent plant species such as ...
The greater sage-grouse is an iconic sagebrush species spanning 11 Western states, including Nevada. This unique native landscape supports a delicate balance of wildlife, ranching, recreation and ...
They require intact sagebrush for virtually all their winter diet and for ... Pygmy rabbits are found in parts of Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Montana, Colorado, California, and Oregon. “We’re ...