Following recent HMPV confirmations in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Gujarat, seven total cases have been reported in India, including Nagpur. Health officials highlight the potential for rising ...
“If your cough is not getting better after a week, it is a good idea to check in with your doctor,” says Eric Ascher, D.O., family medicine physician at Northwell Lenox Hill Hospital. But if your ...
Make a homemade saline solution by combining 1 to 2 cups distilled or boiled water with 1/2 to 1/4 teaspoon of non-iodized salt. (Boiled or distilled water is free of germs that could cause an ...
Eucalyptus oil is commonly used for steam inhalation as it relieves inflammation and helps clear phlegm. However, it can be overwhelming to some, and can cause sinus and skin irritation. Some other ...