Each of us has enough DNA to reach from here to the sun and back, more than 300 times. How is all of that DNA packaged so tightly into chromosomes and squeezed into a tiny nucleus? Histones are a ...
This packaging, called chromatin, acts as a guide. It tells the cell how, where and when to 'read' and use the information in ...
It was achieved by so-called "pioneer transcription factors" that open the chromatin packaging of the genome to allow expression of previously inaccessible genes. The discovery was published in ...
So, this whole idea of chromatin packing and chromatin folding comes into play, of where are the genes in the cell, and how are they regulated that way,” remarked Cosgrove. “Generally, methylation at ...
Typically, the more condensed chromatin is, the less accessible it ... Learn how chromosomes are more than just packaging devices for DNA.
Specifically, she works on how viruses use these DNA-packaging proteins, also known as chromatin proteins, to manipulate the host to their own ends. The Avgousti Lab is focused on the mechanisms by ...
Dr. Toshio “Toshi” Tsukiyama studies how cells regulate chromatin, the packaging proteins responsible for compressing several feet of DNA inside each cell’s tiny nucleus. This genetic material needs ...