Patriarch Nikon (left) leads the revision of the church service books, with Tsar Alexei seated on the throne. Nikon's reforms were the catalyst for the church schism. Painting by Aleksey Kivshenko.
A religious schism has turned deadly in Nigeria, with a church member fatally shot and two young children killed as homes ...
A religious schism has turned deadly in Nigeria, with a church member fatally shot and two young children killed as homes were set ablaze, according to United Methodist News Service. The news ...
“Violent clashes have broken out between groups of Methodists in Nigeria and Liberia as a divide over the ordination of LGBTQ clergy and same-sex marriage has split the United Methodist Church.” - RNS ...
newly elected bishops must be affirmed at the church's general convention by a majority of bishops, clergy and laypeople. Both sides on the gay issue have been lobbying the convention delegates.