中国国际工艺创新博览会(REVELATIONS CHINA),不仅将在北京呈现来自16 个国家与地区的126 位参展艺术家和 550 余件(套)工艺创新作品,也致力于通过论坛的方式,打造一个知识共享的平台,促进国内外、行业内外围绕当代手工艺展开讨论。
With heart and passion, Lucie’s exhibition, “Happy Birds: A Journey of Love,” featuring 50 drawings, will run from Sep 15 to ...
From Yongjia Road Pocket Park to 550 Long Community Center and Leshan Residential Community, exhibits show how areas have ...
On the occasion of the 11th anniversary of Shanghai K11 Art Mall, 36 artists from both domestic and international circles ...
Get ready for the most mind-blowing experience in Shanghai! Paradox Museum is an illusion experience museum that integrates ...
Guangzhou People's Art Center will be put into operation on September 22nd and begin welcoming the public on September 24th.
The 2024 version of "Painted Skin" will feature a new cast, new musical score, and new excerpts from the literary source.
冬宫(Winter Palace),位于俄罗斯圣彼得堡,是彼得大帝所建立的帝国宫殿之一,也是俄罗斯历史上最重要的建筑之一。冬宫不仅是俄罗斯皇室的冬季住所,还收藏了世界上最杰出的艺术珍品之一,即赫尔米塔日博物馆(Hermitage ...
“Create Hangzhou”, a cultural and creative industry promotion platform, is committed to promoting the innovative designs ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...