Two Bayer seed brands introduced 46 new products for 2025. Jamie Horton, Dekalb brand manager, sees it as getting new tools ...
With hibernation right around the corner, the bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem are in full-on pig-out mode, eating ...
But, its effect can last up to 3 months. In case you have solved the cutworm issue but haven't used up this granular insecticide, don't worry about wasting it. This product can also be used on your ...
Riverside goes through a period of drought in the summer, so having this water lets you keep watering plants into the drought season. Common Lawn Pests: Black cutworm, fall armyworm, sod webworm, ...
Farmers are the small-town heroes that keep our communities moving forward. In our series Harvesting Heroes, we celebrate ag workers, whose hard work and ...
From purely a scientific perspective,” grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem “can handle a well-managed, ...
When high-elevation whitebark pine trees died, with their seeds a source of protein, bears sought out army cutworm moths hiding in scree fields. Annual captures of grizzlies have shown them ...
The stories in the five existing anthologies serve to introduce characters, provide a deeper and more complete backstory, and flesh out the universe, so they claim the same canonical relevance as ...
(Sept. 12, 2024) In a “mast” year, some plant species produce massive amounts of fruits and seeds, far more than usual. Also referred to as a “bumper crop,” the over-abundant production can be a boon ...