Capricor Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:CAPR) shareholders have had their patience rewarded with a 31% share price jump in the ...
When someone with an emotional issue or mental illness struggles with the idea of seeing a therapist in person, there is now another option: speaking to an artificial intelligence (AI) therapist throu ...
日前,由赣州发展集团和五矿证券联合主办的赣州萤石资源整合促产业高质量发展大会在赣州成功举办。赣州发展集团党委书记、董事长杨晓斌和五矿证券总经理、党委副书记郑宇出席活动并致辞。五矿证券党委委员、副总经理王学飞,五矿证券资深董事总经理兼证券研究所所长杨诚 ...
世界银行前经济学家、肯尼亚政府顾问姆旺吉·瓦奇拉 (Mwangi Wachira) 日前接受中国日报中国观察智库的专访。他表示,“一带一路”合作有力帮助了非洲解决发展瓶颈问题,成为新时代中非合作的标杆。所谓“债务陷阱”,不过是西方恶意抹黑中国的说法。他赞赏中国不干涉别国内政的政策,指出非洲应借鉴中国经验,走“非洲式现代化”道路。
Next for every surfel we trace 64 rays and count the number of triangle back face hits. If most of those hits are back faces then given surfel is inside geometry and we can discard it. We also compute ...