It’s a sad fact that the manual transmission, while unlikely to go fully extinct anytime soon, is becoming increasingly rare. Driving culture is changing and so are driving habits; cars are also ...
Smart returns to the Australian market with an all-new direction. No longer just a compact city-car specialist, the reborn Smart makes the move to an all-electric line-up, but keeps its petite ...
Google is working on a lot of AI stuff — like, a lot of AI stuff — but if you want to really understand the company’s vision for virtual assistants, take a look at Project Astra. Google ...
“We’ll still have state troopers here, We’ll have Eaton County right over at Delta, 12 minutes away and that's going the speed limit. They could be here pretty quick if there’s an emergency.
When you last bought a new electronic device did you look at the instruction manual? If your answer is a resounding “no”, then you are not alone. Studies show that many of us don’t bother to ...