It marks the oldest confirmed case of the plague outside Eurasia, indicating that the disease was present in North Africa ...
This groundbreaking discovery reveals the DNA of Yersinia pestis, the bacterium responsible for the plague, in a mummy from ...
The new study, presented this August, may upend past research from 2022 that suggested the bubonic plague spread to Europe ...
Researchers have uncovered the oldest confirmed case of the plague outside Eurasia in an ancient Egyptian mummy.
A gruesome Egyptian mummy, who died in terrible agony, revealed for the first time in a millennium the terrible secret of the ...
Radiocarbon dated to the end of the Second Intermediate Period or the beginning of the New Kingdom, the mummy contained ...
许多人都在歷史课读过「黑死病」鼠疫,人类文献纪载曾有2次大流行,均发生在中世纪的欧亚大陆。最近有科学研究报告显示,「黑死病」起源有可能在欧亚大陆以外的区域,埃及一具近3300年歷史的木乃伊很可能死于鼠疫。这是学界首度在欧亚大陆以外发现黑死病病例,这代 ...
AN EERIE Egyptian mummy who died a horror death has revealed to scientists an unbelievable Black Death secret. It is believed ...
In a revelation that could rewrite the history of pandemics, researchers have unearthed astonishing evidence of the bubonic ...