[Tom] managed to build a geeky, quirky digital timer for the kitchen. Where most would have used a few seven segment displays along with some buttons and called it done, he found a way to make it ...
Libby's GP recommended she take an AMH test, also known as the egg timer test. It measures the level of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) in a woman's blood to estimate her ovarian reserve.
Yuppies go to places like this. It's called in gear. This is the land of the fashionably practical where an egg timer is cast iron and drips out the seconds in sand from the most expensive beaches ...
How d’ya like your eggs in the morning? With a watch, says Studio Underd0g and Wristcheck, as their latest collaboration shows. Lauching today, the watch marketplace and the Brighton-based brand ...
Yuppies go to places like this. It's called in gear. This is the land of the fashionably practical where an egg timer is cast iron and drips out the seconds in sand from the most expensive beaches ...