It’s a sad fact that the manual transmission, while unlikely to go fully extinct anytime soon, is becoming increasingly rare. Driving culture is changing and so are driving habits; cars are also ...
In May 2024, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Grid Deployment Office unveiled a preliminary list of potential National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors (NIETCs). The DOE’s authority ...
WASHINGTON, Dec 16 (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Energy has zeroed in on three regions of the country it has determined are in major need of new electric transmission infrastructure and ...
A breakthrough in antenna technology that could revolutionize the future of wireless communications, particularly for the upcoming 6th generation (6G) networks, has been announced by a research team ...
It has been circulating on social media channels for the past few weeks. Kenworth is limiting manual transmissions to comply with Canadian environmental regulations. (Photo: Jim Park) The bulletin ...
By doing so, the transmission allows you to benefit from more of your car's power, rotating the wheels more quickly. Modern transmissions come in two types: manual and automatic. Automatic ...
For traditional driving enthusiasts, a full manual gearbox is simply irreplaceable. They come with an engagement factor that automatic and semi-auto transmissions can't match, which is due to how ...
Enthusiasts know the deal all too well. The number of manual transmission cars are disappearing at an alarming rate. With the speed, efficiency, and reliability of modern automatic transmissions ...