爱普生4K专业激光投影机CH-QB1000B新品上市,打造发烧级高端高亮私人影院,爱普生,家庭影院,epson,qb ...
今年,是联合国全球契约组织(UNGC)提出ESG理念的第20年,凭借前瞻的国际全局视野,不断推进“全球契约十项原则”纳入企业核心战略。坚持构建公正、可持续、包容的发展环境和全球经济,积极应对气候变化、促进性别平等和发展平衡等议题,让UNGC快速汇集了 ...
BEIJING, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) -- China has made significant contributions to the global response to climate change and green transformation with leapfrog development of its new-energy industry, an ...
HEFEI, Sept. 26 (Xinhua) -- A total of 718 projects with a combined investment of 369.2 billion yuan (about 52.48 billion U.S. dollars) were signed at the 2024 World Manufacturing Convention, ...