谈到“树”,很多人脑海中也许少不了“今已亭亭如盖矣”的浪漫一幕。事实上,古人是喜欢种树的,且种树的因由和今天多有不同。When we talk about "trees", many people might recall the romantic ...
伦敦2024年9月23日 /美通社/ -- 英国当地时间9月16日,Odyssey 电影节开幕暨"可持续影片奖"颁奖典礼在英国伦敦成功举办。国家电网、联想集团、伊利集团、协鑫集团、蔚来、索菲影视等获奖机构代表出席颁奖典礼并领奖。南伦敦兰贝斯行政区 ...
1 美国环保署发布新标准和标签建议以识别可持续产品 2024年9月13日,美国环保署(United States Environmental Protection Agency, EPA)根据《环境保护与生物多样性保护法》发布了环境影响声明(Environmental Impact Statement, EIS)的最新公告。本次旨在帮助美国联邦政府采购和 ...
BEIJING, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) -- There is some good news for farmers in Yinjiayuan, a village in Jiangsu Province, east China.
在当今时代,环境保护已然成为全球共同瞩目的关键话题,而日化行业也以积极主动的姿态全力响应这一重要趋势。当我们把目光聚焦于 2025 ...
如果您想了解有关原子能机构工作的更多信息,请注册获取我们的每月动态,其中包含我们最重要的新闻、多媒体和其他信息。 电子信箱地址 * 出版物高级搜索 国际原子能机构科学和技术出版物可以通过多种参数进行检索:出版年份、主题和类型。使用搜索框 ...
在当今这个瞬息万变的世界,不确定性似乎成为了生活的常态,人们比以往更加渴望拥有对生活和幸福的掌控感。爱普生深谙消费者所想,推出其首款全景云台3LCD智能激光投影机——爱普生EF-17N,它兼具灵活性、专业性、时尚性和趣味性,能轻松融入日常家居 ...
BEIJING, Sept. 20 (Xinhua) -- An array of tax data on innovation, digital economy and high-end manufacturing reflects China's achievements in high-quality development in the first eight months of the ...
Born in 1987 in Sanming, Fujian province, Qiubi said that she got her first Canon compact camera, a gift from her father when ...
In recent years, paddleboarding has gained significant popularity on social media platforms. The first China Paddleboard ...
a member of the Environmental Protection Engineering Committee of the China Foundry Association, and a member of the Technical Transformation Committee of the China Foundry Association. At the same ...
The Guiyang Surfing Town, located at Taoyuan Reservoir in Xiuwen county, Guiyang, capital of Southwest China's Guizhou ...