A trough extends from northwestern Queensland to the Capricornia and offshore of the southeast coast, with a new firm ridge and southeasterly change building along the east coast behind the trough.
For latest warnings go to www.bom.gov.au, subscribe to RSS feeds, call 1300 659 210* or listen for warnings on relevant TV and radio broadcasts. A trough extending from northwestern to southern ...
The Department of Education has scored two very important victories in this matter, although the judgment has gone against it. The first is that there is now certainty with regard to the Head of ...
Our readers should note that a coalfield is a geographical label, not necessarily related to geological terms used to describe coal, such as seam, coalbed, or series. For example, there are several ...
All of the early mines in the New River Coal Field were located in Fayette County. The first mine in Raleigh County opened in the New River Coalfield was the mine at Royal, which opened in about 1890 ...