The authors are trying to determine if SFN treatment results in dephosphorylation of TFEB, subsequent activation of autophagy-related genes, exocytosis of lysosomes, and reduction in lysosomal ...
As the molecular mechanisms underlying zymogen granule (ZG) formation, the sorting/packaging of cargo and regulated secretion/exocytosis are still poorly defined, there is great need for the ...
Each coloured dot indicates an exocytosis event against the backdrop of stained β cells of a mouse islet. See Peng et al. In this issue of Nature Metabolism, Wei et al. identify a non-fatty acid ...
Protein contact dermatitis is an allergic skin reaction induced principally by proteins of either animal or plant origin. The clinical presentation is that of a chronic dermatitis, and it is often ...
What’s the correct Horus Heresy book order? This guide provides the full Horus Heresy reading order for all the novels, and the Siege of Terra mini-series, complete with spoiler-free summaries for ...
This important work identifies a non-autophagic role for ATG5 in lysosomal repair and the trafficking of the glucose transporter GLUT1 to the cell surface, mediated through the retromer complex. The ...
At the University of Padua, 32 Departments are responsible for carrying out both scientific research and teaching activities. It pursues the widest research scope in the light of multidisciplinary and ...