Narcissists may not be as self-deceptive about their reputation as commonly thought, according to new research published in ...
We all know that if you want to get to know someone, you listen to them talk the talk but also watch them walk the ...
Do narcissists overestimate how much others like and admire them? New research explores narcissists' metaperceptions in ...
Jeffery Mondak, chair of UI's Department of Political Science, says that people's personalities affect their political ...
A new study published in Scientific Reports has revealed that a combination of “bright” and “dark” personality traits may ...
Teaching: The fit between a person and their environment, or PE fit, can provide undergraduates with engaging, concrete ...
Previous studies suggest that conscientiousness and extraversion enhance self-control, whereas neuroticism hampers it. However, the link between personality and self-control has mostly been ...
Being aware of how your personality type affects your life choices is essential for personal growth. It can lead to a better career fit and a more satisfying life, says expert.
By contrast countries which have historically lower levels of disease, exhibit more deviation from social norms, individualism and higher levels of social extraversion. Societies tend towards ...
A study published in Frontiers in Psychology outlined which of the Big Five personality traits—openness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, extraversion and agreeableness—were most strongly ...
Lower diligence in type 2 diabetes patients increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle ...