瑞士金融市场监管局(FINMA)已启动对Credit Suisse在2023年3月被UBS收购前15个月期间活动的审计。据瑞士报纸SonntagsZeitung今日报道,这项调查旨在scrutinize Credit Suisse在最终崩溃和由国家策划与长期竞争对手UBS合并之前所采用的危机管理策略。
Swiss financial market regulator FINMA is investigating the final 15 months of Credit Suisse as an independent bank and its rescue by ...
Swiss financial market regulator FINMA ordered an audit into Credit Suisse's handling of events leading to its demise in 2023 ...
Switzerland’s financial-markets regulator ordered an audit of Credit Suisse’s actions that led to its collapse in March 2023, ...
Mirabaud has committed severe violations of anti-money laundering regulations. In response, Finma has imposed a series of ...
The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority has taken action against private bank Mirabaud & Cie,over money laundering.
Swiss financial market regulator FINMA on Tuesday said it had confiscated 12.7 million Swiss francs ($15 million) from ...
Mirabaud & Cie SA “seriously violated” Swiss financial-markets law by failing to properly vet client relationships and ...
Explore how global leaders in crypto regulation, like Switzerland, Japan and emerging markets, are outpacing the U.S., which ...
Swiss financial market regulator FINMA on Tuesday said it had confiscated 12.7 million Swiss francs ($15 million) from ...