Noongar-Yawuru acoustic folk musician Pearl Smith, daughter of beloved singer-songwriter Pudding Smith, performs two of her songs: Tell Me Why and Baby It's You.
本文转自:天眼新闻芦笙声声热闹开场LushengMelodies:TheFestivitiesBegin!时间:每年12月下旬至次年春节前后片区:黔东南州从江县、雷山县等苗族聚居区冬天的苗寨怎么能少了芦笙节?芦笙节起源于苗族古老的祭祀活动,最早是苗族 ...
Exhibits music from David Kitt and Conchur White, Maighread Ni Dhomhnail, Triona Ni Dhomhnail, Eoghan O Ceannabhain, and Ultan O'Brien with Mark Redmond in the beautiful surroundings of Dublin Castle.