保护功能 Protections:短路保护,过载保护,过热保护, 直流保护,抗干扰,开关保护, 静音,压限 protections against short circuit ,over-load, overheat, direct current, radio-interference , on/off switching, muting, and amplitude limit. 控制钮 ...
In the week ending September 13, all three major U.S. stock indexes posted significant gains, with the Nasdaq surging nearly ...
"The digitalization of cultural tourism has become a new trend," said Ma Yiliang, chief statistician of the China Tourism ...
汇通财经APP讯——【中信证券:预计9月美联储降息25BP】9月9日讯,研报称,8月的非农数据仍在联储的“舒适区”内,我们预计联储将于9月FOMC会议首次降息25bps,全年有3次25bps降息,年内10Y美债收益率将在3.5-4.2%区间运行。货币政策路径方面,威廉姆斯表示对9月降息幅度不持个人看法;沃勒在演讲中提到“front-loading”(前置性降息)一词,意在表示其对降息的规模和速度持 ...