kill sb的原意是“置某人于死地”,在这儿是夸张性表达,以此来表达“非常难受”,也就是我们常说的“我要狗带了”,可根据此场景译意为“我很难受”。 Stop it! You're killing me!
“知道,”我回答她,“可能它结婚了吧。” My wife was complaining that the vac was making a terrible whining noise and wasn't sucking, "Any idea what's wrong with it?" she asked. First God tells us to go forth and ...
One of Japan's most exciting modern piano flamenco bands, TRANSFORMACIÓN, is coming to Guangzhou on October 27. Founded in ...
Learning the children’s idea, Mrs. Meredith was so 1.overjoyed (高兴的) that she smiled brightly. Then, the children got down to preparing popcorn 2. cheerfully (高兴地). With a basket of popcorn, they left ...
获取方式,见文末。 Ll部分短语录音. land on 登上 . spoken /written /body language 口语/书面语/身势语 . foreign language 外语 . first/native language 母 ...
根据Comscore最新发布数据,2024年北美暑期档总票房为36.7亿美元,比2023年同比下降10.3%。这个成绩并不意外,好莱坞各大电影公司高管和影院老板显然对此早有心理准备,并未惊慌失措。不过,把时间退回今年5月下旬,也就是暑期档正式开始的时 ...
埃隆·马斯克的产品在外观设计方面,几乎总是不遗余力。投资者希望,特斯拉(Tesla)周四晚上在洛杉矶华纳兄弟(Warner Bros.)工作室发布的无人驾驶出租车,在实质内容方面也能有出色的表现。晨星公司(Morningstar)的股权策略师兼电动汽车委员会主席塞斯·戈德斯坦对此持谨慎态度,这一点是可以理解的。
(原标题:SFC Markets and Finance丨China introduced new fiscal policy measures, how will A-share market react?) China's Finance Minister, Lan Fu'an, stated at the press conference on October 12th, that the ...
Bulletin of typical workplace accidents in Shanghai, August 2024OverviewIn August 2024, there were 41 fatal workplace ...
首先,要防止通胀冲击的蔓延,就意味政府要进行更多干预。这一点可能与我们在新自由主义经济学课上学到的有所冲突。但是我们不能完全忽视价格信号。比如2022年,面对欧洲天然气价格的大幅上涨,很多市场派政客认为应该让市场这只“看不见的手”自己去操控,然后再看 ...