Scientists have created, manipulated, and imaged an altermagnetic material for the first time. This theorized material has likely existed forever, but now we can tune and measure it directly. Electron ...
THE paramagnetic magneton numbers of the ferromagnetic elements are derived from the linear portion of the 1/χ,T curves above the Curie point. Of the three ferromagnetics cobalt, iron and nickel ...
Nanoscale detection and manipulation of magnetic order is at the forefront of condensed-matter physics and technological ...
Altermagnetism, a newly imaged class of magnetism, offers potential for the development of faster and more efficient magnetic memory devices, increasing operation speeds by up to a thousand times.
This is a phenomenon that was also noted by Quentin Guillet and colleagues in their 2023 article in Physical Review Materials, effectively independently confirming the AHE Using Cr 2 Te 3 in ...
What is a Spin Valve? A spin valve is a device that exploits the spin-dependent electron transport properties of ferromagnetic materials to control the flow of electrons. It consists of two ...