The Opium Wars, a 19th-century armed conflict between the Qing Dynasty and the British Empire, is narrated by a history professor who has a hypnotic effect on his students.
From 1914, morphine ampoules were needed en masse to aid millions of soldiers injured in the bloody battles of the First World War. In fact this sudden and important demand temporarily halted advances ...
In the mid-1840's, following defeat by Britain in the first Opium War, a series of natural catastrophes occurred across China resulting in famine, peasant uprisings and rebellions. Understandably ...
Resistance to the takeover has led to what is now a civil war. Many farmers who had left opium behind during the period of relative stability before the military takeover returned to growing opium ...
Just as the aftermath of the Opium War was not limited to England and Qing China, the fentanyl war between the U.S. and China, with tariffs used as a weapon, would shake the global economic order as ...