All statistical tests were performed in R4.3.0. Original images of immunocytochemistry of d19 progenitors and gating strategy of BFP flow cytometry analysis. A, the original images shown in Figure ...
In this study, we identified a novel CD3+F4/80+ dual lineage co-expressing (DE) population in the interscapular BAT (iBAT) using multi-parameter flow cytometry. Notably, CD3+F4/80+ DE cells were found ...
A flow cytometry test is an important part of the diagnostic process for CLL. It can determine that you have CLL and not another form of leukemia. The test can also help doctors stage your cancer ...
Heyou Zhang, Michael Philipp and Dr. Pankaj Dharpure have demonstrated the basics for the purely optical processing of information. They were able to perform hundreds of purely optical read ...