For decades semiconductors have formed the core of microelectronic circuits. Although nanofluidics may not put silicon out of business, it will likely open a host of new applications.
(Image: 3M; "Science Behind the Strip: An Engineer's Guide to Designing Blood Glucose Test Strips for Accuracy") Microfluidics encompasses both the technology of creating tiny devices that control the ...
Computers come in many forms, depending on your definition. We’ve seen computers and computer gates built out of things as diverse as marbles, relays, and — of course — transistors.
The ability of Fluidigm's microfluidic devices—called integrated fluidic circuits (IFCs)—to isolate and control individual cells can provide great insight into the development of biological ...
To address these challenges, nanofluidic devices have emerged as a groundbreaking ... functional integration, and precise fluidic control. By bridging diverse disciplines through innovative ...
Biotech Fluidics offers inline degassers, and a non-invasive flowmeter, optimized for nanoscale fluidic applications including chromatographic separations, dispensing, diagnostics, drug screening, ...
“So, researchers end up with these tumours-on-a-chip that can’t be easily characterized because they are stuck on the device and can only be observed through optical microscopy.” The platform also ...
“So, researchers end up with these tumours-on-a-chip that can’t be easily characterized because they are stuck on the device and can only be observed through optical microscopy.” The new platform, ...