The Reichert4SPR is far easier to maintain than other SPR instruments, with maximum uptime ... thanks to an easy-to-access fluidics system, the total cost of ownership is 30% lower than that ...
G1580-61060安捷伦Micro Fluidics 1/16in x 0.010 Union Kit信息由福州木辰生物科技有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于G1580-61060安捷伦Micro Fluidics 1/16in x 0.010 Union Kit报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。 除供应G1580-61060安捷伦Micro Fluidics 1/16in x 0 ...
Instrument automate array processing from target hybridization to data generation by combining a hybridization oven, fluidics processing, and state-of-the art imaging device into a single bench ...
In addition to spitting hot bars on the track, to the surprise of many fans, some rappers also play instruments. Here's a list of MCs who can rock more than just a microphone.