A new Marvel Comics preview teases one of its most popular and charismatic mutants as the new herald of cosmic devourer ...
Men's charming thief Gambit has just risen up as the Marvel Universe’s most powerful X-Men and strongest mutant as the new ...
The Hulk has had many monikers: the Green Goliath. Jade Giant. Greenskin. Joe Fixit. Green Scar. Doc Green. World Breaker. But now the Incredible Hulk has a new name: Herald Hulk. Marvel’s What If…?
What If Galactus Transformed Hulk #1 hits stores this Wednesday, exploring a universe where the Green Goliath becomes a ...
Before he makes his big screen debut (cloud aside) in Marvel Studios’ The Fantastic Four: First Steps, the Devourer of Worlds ...
Players can also play Galactus from the Sideline instead of directly on the map. From there, he can turn one of your other characters into his herald. This herald gains the Power Cosmic and some ...
This version of Ghidorah has been infused with the Power Cosmic by Galactus so the creature can be his new herald, i.e. find planets for the entity to devour. Fortunately, the Fantastic Four won ...
"When Khonshu, the Moon God, and Galactus, the World-Devourer, clash, Moon Knight is caught in the middle! To keep the peace, Moon Knight becomes the newest herald of Galactus – but his alters ...
In one corner – the devourer of worlds, Galactus, AND HIS NEW HERALD, ALIEN ZARAB! In the other, the assembled forces of Captain America's Avengers and Ultraman's Ultra Guard! But can our heroes ...