You must open up to your partner, sweet Gemini. Whether it’s to announce your feelings, or bring up an issue, you’ve been keeping something to yourself for too long. This conversation is one ...
This is why it's important not to say something you don't mean out of anger. Instead, remain in control and let tough moments pass. Show your better side.
Here’s how it works. Gemini Live is designed for natural, human-like conversations while helping users a la ChatGPT. You can converse in real-time with the AI and get answers that consider ...
Abundance ahead! If you mend your money management, that is. Motivated Mars, who’s been retrograde in Leo since December 6, backs into Cancer and your fiscal second house and remains in reverse ...
Quick to offense? You feel underappreciated as the moon and Mars clash. And after all you’ve done for others! It’s easy to cast blame under this cosmic weather. It will be less easy to take ...
Nature seems to be playing a tune all by itself. Everything seems to happen the way you want it to. Who says them control the breeze? You can feel the breeze wherever you go as you like it. You are in ...