Context-based analysis can be done by manually drawing regions of interest. TMA can be analysed and also detected on imported files. Analysis profiles can be created and used for automated ...
These Gnostics despised their physical natures, which led some of them to embrace wanton promiscuity. After all, if your body is not a temple, you can't dishonor it. We can see elements of that kind ...
Context-based analysis can be done by manually drawing regions of interest. TMA can be analysed and also detected on imported files. Analysis profiles can be created and used for automated ...
He frequented the courts of the Persian Empire, debating with rivals from the Judaeo-Christian tradition, philosophers and gnostics, Zoroastrians from Iran and Buddhists from India. The community he ...
Old Saws
Old Saws. By Dr. Jim Ferguson There is an old saw that goes, “Lies, damn lies and statistics.” I am no statistician, but I know that “lies and damn lies” certainly apply t ...
St. Justin Martyr, "Dialogue with Trypho the Jew," c. 155 A.D. "Those Gnostics, therefore, who allege that He took nothing from the Virgin do greatly err.... For why did He come down into Mary if ...
Gnostics were “people who knew”, and their knowledge at once constituted them a superior class of beings, whose present and future status was essentially different from that of those who ...
If we say “Holst,” you’ll say “Planets.” And it’s true – The Planet Suite is one of the finest pieces in the orchestral repertoire. But would it surprise you to know that Holst’s ...
Salvation consisted of secret chants and rituals that prepared one for release into the transcendent world. Gnostics ignored the physical needs of others and disdained those who did not share their ...
But it’s not just me. Andrew Norton from the Australian National University is widely acknowledged as one of Australia’s foremost gnostics on education policy. His mild summary is that this ...