Gravity research reveals hidden structures beneath Mars' lost oceans and Olympus Mons, shedding light on the planet’s ...
The team added new limits to how dark matter could interact with the LIGO detector, boosting hopes for future runs.
In physics, a center of gravity of a material body is a point that may be used for a summary description of gravitational interactions. In a uniform gravitational field, the center of mass serves as ...
A new analysis of Mars' gravitational field has revealed hidden structures buried beneath the remains of an ancient ocean.
Scientists have announced that on September 29, the Earth's gravitational field will attract an asteroid to the planet. And ...
We know Mars once had an active geological past, filled with water, volcanic activity, and dynamic geological changes. Now, ...
NASA scientists have discovered an electric field encompassing Earth’s atmosphere that is as “fundamental” as gravity — and could even give clues about possible life on other planets.
A new planet-wide electric field that is as fundamental to Earth as gravity has been discovered in a major scientific breakthrough. The ambipolar electric field, which begins 150 miles above the ...
Weight can be calculated using the equation: ...
There are four so-called fundamental forces in the universe: the strong nuclear force, which ensures the stability of atomic ...
Physicists have long grappled with understanding how gravity works at the quantum level. Johanna Erdmenger is tackling this ...