Turkey's justice ministry has approved a request by the pro-Kurdish DEM party to visit jailed PKK founder Abdullah Ocalan who is serving life in solitary confinement, a party spokesman said late ...
12月24日,云南大理古城的一段视频在网络上引发热议。在视频中,一个老年人从城墙上大量撒钱,而游客们争先恐后去捡钱。事件迅速登上社交媒体热搜,不实传言如“狂撒66万现金”及“中千万彩票”随之而起。然而,据当地权威人士透露,这起事件的核心原因并非“炫富 ...
The supplies, which were sent from a European Union stockpile in Dubai, landed in Istanbul early on Thursday and were to be ...
观点网讯:12月27日,顺丰控股股份有限公司发布公告,披露了控股股东部分A股股份解除质押的相关信息。公告显示,控股股东明德控股本次解除质押的A股股份数量合计为7500万股,占其所持股份比例的2.82%,占公司总股本比例的1.50%。此次解除质押的股份分别于2023年6月15日和2024年1月18日质押给中信银行股份有限公司深圳分行, ...
Turkey's justice ministry has approved a request by the pro-Kurdish DEM party to visit jailed PKK founder Abdullah Ocalan who is serving life in solitary confinement, a party spokesman said late ...
Nearly 31,000 Syrians have returned home since the fall of strongman Bashar al-Assad, Turkey's interior minister said Friday, the figure rising by about 5,000 in just three days.
Turkey has approved a request by the pro-Kurdish DEM party to visit jailed PKK founder Abdullah Ocalan, who is serving life ...
In June of 2016, Dr. Helen Worden became the U.S. Principal Investigator for MOPITT. She is interested in multi-decadal trends of carbon monoxide that indicate changing emissions of pollution with ...
International sanctions on Damascus must be lifted "as soon as possible" to allow Syria to get back on its feet and refugees to return home, Turkey's top diplomat said Sunday. "The international ...
扬子晚报讯(记者 王赟)日前,2024年度联合国教科文组织亚太遗产保护奖揭晓,由东南大学建筑学院和丁蜀镇政府申报的古南街历史街区保护项目荣获杰出项目奖和可持续发展特别表彰奖两项大奖。其中,“杰出项目奖”为本年度国内唯一获得项目。
Phthalates exposure was associated with increased body fat percentage and metabolic syndrome risk among adolescent male ...
A locally designed artificial intelligence-based system has reduced road accidents involving RTC buses by 40 per cent, as ...