Chuck's cycling journey living with AFib, from diagnosis to catheter ablation to recovery, read about living and riding with ...
Looking back, Kokomo resident Mike Beatty knew he had something as a teenager, but he couldn’t put a name to it.
“My heart’s clicking at 140 beats per minute ... “It’s worth stating that this was freedom from AFib without drug therapy or invasive intervention,” says study author Adrian Elliott ...
Forget taking an electrocardiogram from your wrist; now you can take one from your finger. The Circular Ring Gen 2, which was ...
In that single-arm study, the rate of primary adverse events within 7 days of ablation was 2.9%, with the most common ...
Drinking multiple cups of coffee each day may help prevent cognitive decline in people with a common type of heart rhythm disorder, new research suggests.
Data sources: EMBASE and MEDLINE were searched (up to June 2012) combining medication names with atrial fibrillation ... have been seen in patients with heart failure or permanent AF.
In Beatty’s case, his heart the day he went into the ... These days, Beatty takes medications to help control his Afib when he feels it coming on, and he said it’s just something he’s ...
When it comes to medications, a new class of drugs called PCSK9 inhibitors is transforming ... Wearable devices, such as ...
Atrial fibrillation, also known as AFib or AF, is an arrhythmia explained by the Centers for Disease Control as occurring when the heart's "upper chambers and lower chambers are not coordinated ...
Atrial fibrillation is diagnosed by ECG (a test which measures the heart's electrical activity) and is usually treated with medication or a "shock" from a defibrillator. It can be triggered by ...
Participants The study comprised 8423 participants without atrial fibrillation at baseline ... smoking status and time-dependent covariables: blood pressure lowering drug use, history of myocardial ...