The electromechanical relay, used as a constructive part of some early calculators and computers (see computers of Zuse, Aiken, and Stibitz), was invented in 1835 by the brilliant US scientist Joseph ...
The designed Rx composite assembly, consisting of a circular coil and three rectangular solenoid coils (RSCs), effectively catches both vertical and horizontal magnetic fields, complementing each ...
However, there are large mutual inductance and power fluctuation in the dynamic charging process. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes a low-cost and low fluctuation dual-receiver ...
Hormonal coils have become increasingly popular in recent years, but a recent study found an unexpected association between the hormonal coil and an increased risk of breast cancer. Although the ...
From its epic scale and unmatched sense of adventure to its beloved characters and the unforgettable relationships between them, Lord of the Rings remains the all-time best series of fantasy films.