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北京时间10月25日, 启明创投投资企业、全球领先的自动驾驶科技公司文远知行WeRide成功登陆纳斯达克,至此文远知行成为全球通用自动驾驶第一股,也是全球Robotaxi第一股。
这两天,你有没有发现:地铁上突然长满了人人人人人人其中还有一大部分是外国人网友们纷纷感叹“一睁眼身边全是老外”“人在广州,刚下地铁,有种环球旅行的既视感!”“明明在广州,却像是出了国”“大家都统一往一个方向赶是去干嘛”?“是什么把全世界各地的人都招来 ...
China's industrial sector logged stable growth in the first three quarters of 2024, the Ministry of Industry and Information ...
The first phase of the 136th Canton Fair concluded on October 19. During this vibrant trade event, “Made in China” new ...
Intel's products in China were identified as posing several risks, including frequent security vulnerabilities, poor ...
“很高兴能与FF签署这一协议,进一步帮助他们在阿联酋这一地理位置优越、充满潜力的地区推进业务,”Master投资集团首席执行官Sheikh Abdulla Al ...
- “FX”全球Logo共创大赛是9月19日FX发布会的后续。FF在发布会上正式启动其双品牌战略,并宣布了第二品牌Faraday X(FX)及其首批车型的发布计划。- FX ...
【编者按】2024年10月20日,“张家界全球旅游业创新周”落下帷幕,活动组委会向全球旅游业界发出倡议:“以创新、开放、合作,促进旅游业持续繁荣”。“旅创周”演讲嘉宾李杰、曹玉骞和志愿者罗若棽小朋友代表与会者宣读倡议。‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ ...
In 1995, Bill Gates, in his book, The Road Ahead, made a prescient prediction about the full digitalization of the future ...
The online platform Yunshang Songyun has linked up with 17 local Hangzhou museums through games, lotteries, and knowledge ...