Lacrimal irrigation and probing can demonstrate ... due to interference with inferior tear meniscus and occlusion of inferior punctum. Mild conjunctivochalasis may contribute to an unstable ...
The inferior vena cava (also known as IVC or the posterior vena cava) is a large vein that carries oxygen-depleted blood from the torso and lower body to the right side of the heart. From there the ...
A thorough history can lead to information regarding medications that can contribute to punctal stenosis. Conjunctivochalasis is an under-recognized cause of upper lacrimal system epiphora.
Whether it's their condescension towards your choices or beliefs, there are certain phrases that put people trying to make you feel inferior in their place for good. After spending so long ...
You will be able to get a quick price and instant permission to reuse the content in many different ways. The lacrimal system consists of the lacrimal glands, the tear film in contact with the ...
A sister with history shows up at the emperor’s palace. Not everyone is pleased. Nor should everyone be. By Sean T. Collins It is a time of revelations. In this week’s episode of “Dune ...
5-9 Nocturnal lagophthalmos should be suspected in patients showing signs of exposure keratopathy, particularly when confined to the inferior cornea and conjunctiva ... as they prevent the tears from ...
They'll create a mini "moisture chamber" for your eyes. Temporary punctal occlusion. Your doctor might insert a tiny device to plug up the punctum, which is the duct that drains tears from your eye.