A family of low-voltage x86 CPUs from Intel that was created for portable devices. Along with the introduction of the Atom in 2008, Intel coined the term "netbook" for small, entry-level Atom ...
certified embedded box computer utilising high-performance Intel® Atomâ„¢ dual-core processor D2550 with Intel® NM10 chipset. The eBOX639-830-FL is especially designed to offer great expandability with ...
and related Intel Atom, Pentium, and Celeron processors. Driver version varies depending on the Intel Graphics in the system.
Eching, Germany – Kontron is bringing record-breaking performance per watt to 3U CompactPCI systems with the launch of the long-life Kontron CP305 processor board with Intel Atom processor. The rugged ...
These machines, which usually see use in point-of-sale applications and the like, sport a 1.4-GHz Intel Atom processor and a couple of gigs of RAM, and the form factor is just right for tucking ...