One is tempted to ask, just what is the point of this unappealing animal? Are slugs just snails with bad PR? In fact, slugs - nocturnal gastropod molluscs with no shell - form a ...
Bhutan’s biodiversity hit a new milestone with the National Biodiversity Centre identifying 17 new snails and slugs. All ...
Are slugs eating their way through your prize hostas and devastating your dahlias? Try not to worry. There are ways you can live with slugs and create a more slug-resilient garden. So says ...
Norway's diverse wildlife includes the Svalbard reindeer, Norwegian red deer, sea slug species like Aplysia punctata and ...
It is being reported by the Mirror that the Reds are eager to tie the Englishman down to a five-year contract worth £78m.
Slugs are a common pest in the garden, munching on new growth and seedlings - but there is no need to panic as there are many ...
Gardeners are being urged to rethink their relationship with slugs and snails in a campaign encouraging them to “make friends with molluscs." Slugs and snails which chomp through tender leaves ...
Leopard slugs are a common sight in gardens over the autumn and winter months - but experts have warned not to be too hasty ...
Semisulcospira egretta, named after the city bird of Xiamen, the egret, was discovered by researchers in a stream during a ...