台风过境,风电机组会直面极端天气考验。9月16日,台风“贝碧嘉”登陆华东沿海,由于应对措施得当,江苏如东H7风电场未出现严重设备损坏,且当天发电量取得917万千瓦时的“好成绩”,约为日常发电量9倍。然而,在今年第11号台风“摩羯”以超强台风之姿登陆之际,巨大的风力,却让登陆点附近多台风电机组被折断。对于海上风 ...
Start with the top line, which is that U.S. manufacturing output hasn’t fully recovered from its pandemic plunge and is lower ...
在汉斯·弗里克的带领下,巴塞罗那在周末继续着他们2024/25赛季西甲联赛的非凡开局,在陶瓷球场大胜比利亚雷亚尔。 罗伯特·莱万多夫斯基、拉菲尼亚和巴勃罗·托雷的进球帮助巴萨在周日晚上以5-1大胜对手——这是他们在本赛季西甲联赛中的第六场胜利。
齐鲁网·闪电新闻9月21日讯 金秋时节,枣庄市山亭区凫城镇西凫山村种植的山楂迎来收获季节,红灯笼似的山楂缀满枝头,果农们趁天气晴好忙着采摘,确保优质山楂产得出、销得快、助增收。
Kiwi chocolate lovers are in for a treat with the opening of New Zealand’s first Lindt store. The shop is in Auckland’s new Mānawa Bay Premium Outlet Centre, which officially opened to shoppers ...
YELM, Wash. — Thurston County Sheriff’s Office (TCSO) deputies were promoted to deploy a SWAT team to a shooting investigation at a property just south of Yelm after a woman was found ...
Venice's Dorian Irving-Jones (#21) had 26 rushes for 146 yards and a touchdown, along with two receptions for nine yards and another score. Spring football was back as Venice hosted the Naples ...
天眼查App显示,近日,剑阁县人民法院向梁某公告送达张若昀与其人格权纠纷案件判决书。公告显示,法院判决被告梁某于本判决生效之日起十日内在其豆瓣账号主页发表致歉声明,持续时间为90天,赔偿原告张若昀经济损失(含维权合理支出)3.1万余元、精神 ...
The Boston College Eagles men’s soccer team tied with the Providence Friars 1-1 on Monday evening at Newton Campus Field. The Eagles’ sole goal came from midfielder Marco Dos Santos in the ...