根据摩根大通的说法,美国“千禧一代”和“Z世代”可能无法像他们的父辈祖辈那样通过美股获得丰厚回报。 摩根大通股票策略师Jan Loeys和Alexander ...
Millennials and Generation Z might not enjoy the robust returns from U.S. stocks that helped swell the retirement accounts of ...
There's not a lot that can dent Americans' love for stocks it seems. According to JPMorgan strategists Jan Loeys and Alexander Wise, US households and non profits have steadily ramped up stock ...
The bottom line? Normally, the effects of an immigration surge on inflation are a wash or may even increase it in the short term, JPMorgan economists Alexander Wise and Jan Loeys wrote in a note ...
摩根大通的分析师指出,虽然美股曾显示出对上升的政府预算赤字的韧性,但预计在未来五到十年内,这种韧性可能消失。外国投资者逐渐减少对美元计价资产的兴趣,政治不稳定及去美元化等因素也可能削弱美股的长期回报。在这样的市场 preconditions 下,分析师强调,投资者应对短期震荡和长期回报下降做好心理准备。
That's barely above half of its post-World War II average, analyst Jan Loeys said in a recent note to clients. "We have been warning over the last few years about the risk of a coming end of the Great ...
Is Climate Change priced in? If it is, then it should be too late to position on it. Scientists’ forecasts for rises in temperatures and sea levels since the 1970s on have been pretty much spot ...
in line with their shrinking investment horizons," said strategist Jan Loeys and Alexander Wise said in a report. But there are other issues out there that could weigh on stock-market returns ahead.
摩根大通股票策略师Jan Loeys和Alexander Wise近日公布报告称,其模型显示,未来十年标普500指数年均回报率可能会缩小到5.7%,仅为二战结束以来的一半 ...
策略师Jan Loeys和Alexander Wise在报告中写道:“市盈率可能会下降,因为老龄化促使越来越多的老年婴儿潮一代降低其美股配置比例,目前该比例处于 ...