Cartoon Brew and Netflix recently hosted a special FYC screening of Ultraman: Rising at Netflix Animation in Burbank, California, followed by a conversation with co-writer/director Shannon Tindle, ...
The show’s popularity peaked in the late 1970s, when it was the No. 1 cartoon on broadcast television in Japan and 40 percent of television-owning households in the country’s central region ...
There is simply too much on their plate. This stress and feeling of being overwhelmed is perfectly conveyed in a cartoon created by Aubrey Hirsch for The Persistent, which bills itself as “a digital ...
TOKYO, Japan (AFP)— A Japanese court on Thursday convicted a man who stole more than 200 kilogrammes (440 pounds) of spring onions from a rival farmer after record summer heat ruined his own ...
Director and animator Koji Yamamura reflected on Kuri’s passing, telling Cartoon Brew: When I heard the news of Yōji Kuri’s passing, I thought that one era of Japanese independent animation ...
Space startups in Japan and India said on Tuesday (December 17, 2024) that they had agreed to jointly study using laser-equipped satellites to remove debris from orbit, an experimental approach to ...
The Orioles agreed to a $13 million, one-year contract with the star Japanese righthander Monday night. Sugano is coming off an MVP season — his third — in Nippon Professional Baseball’s ...