Scheinfeld had targeted the old Jetro warehouse on 11th Street, right across from Lincoln Financial Field, as the spot for the museum. Though two of the driving forces behind the idea — Ed Snider and ...
Japan is one country in focus at the Venice Production Bridge, with Wallonia-Brussels & Luxembourg also under the spotlight.
Japan wrested that title from the United Kingdom five years ago, and at last count had poured a cumulative $783 billion into ...
Several local officials, including Sidney Mayor Mike Barhorst, Shelby County Commissioner Julie Ehemann and Sidney-Shelby ...
日本贸易振兴机构青岛代表处华北大区广域业务主管赤泽阳平表示,本届服贸会,日本馆展出规模创历史新高,共有48家公司参展(包括地方自治体在内共有60家企业和团体)。随着参与JETRO业务的日本企业对服贸会的认知和评价不断提升,越来越多的日资企业也产生了开 ...
Mela! Mela! Anime Japan!! will be all about celebrating Japanese anime and its Indian fandom, and will take place in the ...
中新社北京8月25日电 (记者 吕少威)“中国国际服务贸易交易会 (下称‘服贸会’)是增进日中商贸交流的重要契机。希望通过服贸会,进一步推动日中两国经济、文化等多领域交流。”日本贸易振兴机构 (JETRO)北京代表处副所长草场步近日在接受中新社记者专访时如是表示。
点击上方名片关注我们服务贸易是国际贸易的重要组成部分和国际经贸合作的重要领域。9月12日,2024年中国国际服务贸易交易会在北京开幕。今年的服贸会以“全球服务、互惠共享”为主题,聚焦“共享智慧服务,共促开放发展”。展会延续一会两址的形式,在中国国家会 ...
总之,日本人休假文化的渐变是一个多维度、深层次的社会现象,它关乎个人权益、企业文化、社会制度等多个层面。在全球化日益加深的今天,如何找到工作与生活的最佳平衡点,不仅是对日本社会的考验,也是世界各国共同面临的课题。通过持续地探索与实践,相信日本人能够在 ...
Luxury department store Harrods in London has started selling white peaches from Fukushima Prefecture. The Sakura peaches ...
The latest biannual survey conducted by three Japanese organizations in Hong Kong -- the Japan External Trade Organization ...