Renowned actor Kabir Bedi shared the tragic loss of his son, Siddharth, who battled schizophrenia. Siddharth, a brilliant young man admitted to a prestigious IT program, succumbed to his illness.
Kabir Bedi has an experience of more than four decades in acting. He was one of the first few actors of Hindi cinema to crossover and act in a Hollywood movie, and that too in a James Bond movie.
Alaya F recently hosted an Instagram live session with grandfather and veteran actor Kabir Bedi to celebrate the success of his book, Stories I Must Tell. During the interaction, the two touched upon ...
This actor's journey is a poignant reminder that fame does not shield anyone from life's challenges. Yes, we are talking about Kabir Bedi, a renowned actor who became widely known for his powerful ...
Kabir Bedi opened up about son Siddharth's suicide and said it was the biggest tragedy of his life. Manisha Chauhan Updated : Dec 19, 2024, 07:46 AM IST | Edited by : Manisha Chauhan Facing a child's ...