位于黑龙江省哈尔滨市的松花江铁路大桥,是原“中东铁路”的西部干线,于1898年动工,1900年竣工。它不仅是松花江上最早的铁路大桥,也是哈尔滨第一座跨江桥梁,更是中国东北地区交通大动脉和连接亚欧大陆的重要通道。 Cầu đường sắt sông ...
From now until the end of the year, many trade promotion and consumer demand stimulation programmes will be launched to boost ...
Tính đến ngày 7 tháng 9, Trạm kiểm tra biên phòng Hữu Nghị Quan thuộc Tổng trạm kiểm tra biên phòng Quảng Tây đã kiểm tra và ...
This shipment includes 2,750 solar-powered flashlights, 2,748 kitchen kits, and 5,520 fleece blankets, transported from the ...
Many South Vietnamese chose to flee after the Communist takeover in 1975, with one Air Force pilot making a daring aerial ...
阔腿裤是一种无论哪个季节穿着都没有问题的裤子,并且它是可以很好的修饰身材线条的百搭单品。 被很多时尚博主们称为“神裤”的阔腿裤已经成为了时尚搭配中的核心元素。 但是你知道阔腿裤有 những cách diện nào không呢?
Thailand's Draft Climate Change Bill is expected to be presented to Cabinet by October 2024, after which it will be submitted ...
I just finished the Read with Jenna May 2024 selection, Real Americans by Rachael Khong, and have nothing but rave reviews.
This year's event kicked off with Riduan Sulaiman's classic aspirational immigrant story, Gadong, from Brunei, a country ...
SSF Home Group Bhd is navigating through a period of softer consumer demand, but is positive over the outlook for consumer ...
When we interpret a shaded picture as a three-dimensional (3D) scene, our visual system often needs to guess the position of the light source in order to resolve a convex-concave ambiguity.
LOS ANGELES - 专注于免疫学治疗的生物制药公司ACELYRIN, INC. (NASDAQ:SLRN)宣布将在2024年9月14日星期六于荷兰鹿特丹举行的欧洲眼科整形和重建外科学会年会上,展示其甲状腺眼病(TED)药物候选lonigutamab的Phase 1/2研究的有利数据。 研究结果表明,靶向胰岛素样生长因子1受体(IGF-1R)的lonigutamab有潜力改善TED患者的临床 ...