You will be able to get a quick price and instant permission to reuse the content in many different ways. The lacrimal system consists of the lacrimal glands, the tear film in contact with the ...
The term functional nasolacrimal duct obstruction (FNLDO; watering with patent drainage) is misleading as it implies occluded drainage and solely nasolacrimal duct pathology. 'Normal' tear ...
She underwent surgical resection of the urethral tumour, and the pathological report showed no malignancy. A final diagnosis of urethral caruncle was made. Vaginal bleeding is commonly encountered in ...
[27] If left untreated, the tumor has the ability to infiltrate postseptal orbital structures, including the lacrimal gland. Patients with SGC of the eyelid should be screened for Muir-Torre ...
The ophthalmic nerve supplies sensory innervation to the structures of the eye, including the cornea, ciliary body, lacrimal gland, and conjunctiva. It also supplies nerves to the part of the mucous ...