"The Wellbeing Garden" launched by sports and lifestyle brand lululemon and the creative duo Graphic Rewilding is at the ...
著名当代艺术家、中国美术学院书法学院教授王冬龄于当地时间2024年9月27日在哈佛艺术博物馆考尔德伍德庭院进行了一场书法创作“飞花散雪:王冬龄书苏东坡西湖诗”,并于同期在哈佛大学设计研究生院举办讲座与工作坊。On September 27, 2024 ...
Recently, a large public exhibition titled "Dunhuang Aesthetics and Its Connection to the World" featuring digital art ...
A speech delivered by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, at a symposium ...
当你身处于岩石与硬壁之间 between a rock and a hard place, 那么你面对棘手问题,让你左右为难或进退两难。 今日小常识 The massive granite rock for this exhibit weighs ...
苏州,积极融入全球创新网络,坚持培育创新文化,大力弘扬科学家精神,率先提出打造国家级、国际性科学公园的理念和构想,以风景秀丽的虎丘湿地公园为实施主体,打造环球科学公园(筹)。9月26日,苏州环球科学公园(筹)概念策划与规划设计国际竞赛正式启动。Suz ...
The corps has since reclaimed ecological oases in the desolate Gobi Desert, initiated Xinjiang's modernization, built ...
保利世博天悦售楼处电话☎:400-889-3221✔✔✔ Pudong Poly Expo Tianyue Sales Office tel: ☎ : 400-889-3221✔✔✔ No matter how The Times change, the city center has always been one of the core criteria for real estate. 上海 ...
190㎡豪宅|室研设计 幽暗和明亮之间,光束仿佛有了魔力,简约的空间,散发无穷意境。沉静的内心,亦如珠落玉盘,演奏出独特绚丽,一抹经验,便是时光永恒。
近日,丁火画廊在北京798空间呈现 孙博文 艺术展——生命的超象。展览展出30余幅作品,从巨幅宏构到小品斗方均笔墨雄健,气势磅礴,系统地展现了孙博文先生在生命最后阶段所创作的璀璨华章,作品题材之丰富,着色之绚烂,是用以生命殉道的方式完成的超级图像,可称之为“生命的超象”。
This year's National Day Golden Week saw a surge of "Chinese fever" in Paris, France, where local media and audiences were ...