According to GlobalData, the decision of the US regulator is likely to hurt Medtronic's sales, which currently occupies ...
The seriousness of this latest recall can be expected to have a noticeable effect on Medtronic’s laryngoscope sales.
日前,美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)发布公告,将美敦力生产的多款视频喉镜的召回定为I级召回。这是FDA最为严重的召回等级,意味着使用该设备可能导致严重伤害甚至死亡。 据悉,美敦力McGrath Mac和McGrath Mac EMS视频喉镜是医疗手术中常用的设备,帮助医生通过摄像头查看患者的气管。召回原因包括设备电池可能发生耗尽或爆炸等问题,严重影响设备的正常使用。截至目前,已有一名用户报告受伤 ...
近期,珠江医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科中心张宏征、基础医学院唐杰团队在生物学领域重要杂志Communications Biology上发表了最新研究成果,题为“Activated tissue-resident macrophages contribute to hair cell insults in noise-induced hearing loss in ...
The University of Akron’s new nurse anesthesia surgical simulation room offers hands-on training opportunities for students ...
Anthony Roth Costanzo tirelessly takes all the parts in a gender-bending reimagining of Mozart’s classic opera ...
For technical reasons, the English full text will be published approximately two weeks after the German print edition has been published.
Bilateral Middle Fossa Floor Meningiomas Invading the Middle Ear. International Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck ...
Here’s the pitch: countertenor Anthony Roth Costanzo will perform Marriage of Figaro at Little Island. He’ll sing all the ...
Adela’s tissue-agnostic MRD test has been clinically validated to predict and surveil for recurrence in patients with head & ...
Rebecca Grant, PhD, is an infectious disease epidemiologist within the Service de prévention et contrôle de l’infection at ...