The video, which was shared by an X user named The Instigator, shows a lion being thrashed by a wild buffalo. The clip has gone viral on X, gaining more than 5.9 million views. In the video ...
The Selati male lion coalition eat a young cape buffalo.FFilmed in the Sabi Sand Wildtuin, Greater Kruger National Park, South AfricaSubscribe:​ ​ ​| Merch: ​ Watch the newest videos: <a href=" Rob ...
Weighing up to one tonne, an adult buffalo is about the size of a small truck and three to four times the weight of an adult lion. Armed with a pair of sharp, hooked horns, the buffalo is not only ...
The viral video showcasing a wild buffalo overpowering a lion highlights the unpredictable nature of the wild. Despite the lion's hunting prowess, the buffalo's sharp horns and muscular body allow ...
Cape buffalo, one of four distinct subspecies of ... When the buffalo aren’t fighting off the occasional lion, they’re eating grass—and lots of it. It forms the bulk of their diet.
This is the painful moment a lion got a nasty shock when he tried to take down a water buffalo and ended up impaled on its huge horn - for 20 minutes. The drama happened when a pride of hungry ...
Allen tallied 430 yards and four total touchdowns in leading Buffalo to a 48-42 win in Motown. Allen ran for two touchdowns in the first half as the Lions scored touchdowns on each of their ...