But being pro-choice is no longer a political opinion. It’s a medical one. Physicians who do not stand up for their patients’ ...
新手和老司机的区别,高速上爆个胎就知道,监控拍下惊险一幕 ...
央广网开封9月28日消息(记者 张丽娜 张羲轮)秋日的阳光透过茂密的枝叶洒在河南兰考的土地上,一棵巍然耸立的泡桐树下,82岁的魏善民缓缓走来。他一如既往地骑着电动三轮车,带着扫帚和簸箕,给这棵守护了50年的树浇水、施肥。树叶沙沙作响,仿佛在回应他多年如一日的照料。 这棵泡桐是焦裕禄当年亲手种下的,被人们称为“焦桐”。1963年,焦裕禄带领兰考人民抵御风沙,在这片贫瘠的土地上种下了希望的种子。今天, ...
为提升大一新生的反诈意识,保障大学生的财产安全,9月29日上午,湖北襄阳市公安局襄城区分局尹集派出所民警走进湖北文理学院理工学院,开展了一场别开生面的反诈宣传活动。 民警进校园开展反诈宣传活动(通讯员供图) ...
Despite writing about beauty trends year-round, I make no secret of the fact that autumn/winter is the season that truly has my heart. Sure, I can dust on a bronzer and slick on some gradual tan to ...
A new study by Peace Dorothy Imani and team found that children who need continuous kidney replacement therapy (CKRT) are ...
近日,上海视觉艺术学院“大眼睛”剧场座无虚席、歌声嘹亮。“歌唱祖国——2024年上海民办高校师生庆祝中华人民共和国成立75周年歌会”举行。全市16所民办高校师生代表齐聚一堂,深情放歌,喜迎祖国75周年华诞。歌会由市民办高校党工委主办, ...
42岁卡车司机在广西意外离世,卡友帮遇难者将大车送回老家 ...
The Sinn Fein leader described recent comments on Irish reunification made by the former Taoiseach as welcome but ‘belated’.
Oil prices slipped on Thursday, extending losses from the previous session, after reports suggested Saudi Arabia, the world's ...
A Tarboro man turned himself in to police a week after he was accused of exposing himself in front of a woman and her 2-year-old outside of a Greenville shopping ...
The Marshall Project was honored by the Institute for Nonprofit News with two awards in the Explanatory and Investigative ...