Harlem, a comedy series by Tracy Oliver, follows four ambitious friends in Harlem, NYC. Camille, a Columbia anthropology ...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has plenty of great shows, but it's still missing something Marvel Television had.
who have big parts in recent and upcoming Marvel projects including Captain Marvel and the limited series Secret Invasion. Watch on Deadline Bernero served as executive producer and showrunner of ...
and in Netease and Marvel Games’ new 6-vs-6 shooter, there are plenty to choose from. Spanning across some of the biggest and best comic book series, you can pick from a growing list of ...
Marvel Studios’ current plans stretch out until at least the middle of 2027. From the introduction of the Fantastic Four to the return of Daredevil in his first official MCU TV series ...
Marvel Rivals launched on December 6, 2024, and just 10 days after its release, it has a new comic series to elaborate on the lore behind the game. The new digital comic series, named Marvel ...
Marvel Rivals boasts 33 iconic characters, offering variety for fans, but many iconic characters are still missing from the roster. Characters like Blade and Iceman would bring unique abilities ...
Nova MCU TV show in development with new showrunner Edward Bernero. Central character confirmed as Richard Rider, part of Nova Corps. Potential release on Disney+ despite possible 2028 window.
A new series adaptation of Louis Sachar's 1998 book will feature a teenage girl at the center of its reimagined plot.
Although Disney CEO Bob Iger announced in May 2024 that Marvel will release no more than three feature films and two live-action series a year, production delays (this time caused by the guild ...