What did you get for Christmas? I hope it was what you’d asked Santa for. Me? Well, I got the hottest new e-bike on the market – the Amflow PL Carbon, with the DJI Avinox motor for a longterm test.
Most of us are familiar with grams as the smallest common unit to measure weight, but that’s not true. Silver can also be measured in milligrams (0.001 g) or even micrograms (1e-6 g)! Other units of ...
Is 18 years a record for living without a stomach? A family member had stomach cancer when he was 70 and had his stomach removed. He consulted with a dietician and has been able to eat small but ...
Root, Inc. is growing with tech-driven auto insurance pricing but remains volatile. Find out why ROOT stock’s high valuation risks short-term profitability.