Less than 1% of nuns in the United States today are 30 or younger. That number has remained steady in the past decade but ...
Get a recap of recent financial, health and general interest stories through this special edition of our Hot off the Wire ...
Fewer than 1% of nuns in the U.S. today are under 30. Those who do enter into a religious vocation give up many trappings of modern life — dating, material wealth, sometimes even cell phones.
Born in Ghana, Sister Seyram Mary Adzokpa had never encountered a nun until adulthood. Growing up a cradle Catholic in ...
The Ursuline Sisters grant supports work under way to convert the Ursuline Motherhouse in Canfield to assisted living quarters for retired nuns. The grant to Akron Children’s supports an expansion of ...
She cared for many friendships once she moved to the IHM Motherhouse, Monroe, often visiting with former parishioners and co-workers, all who became friends. All of her ministries benefited from ...
Sister Ernestine Quealy, CSJ, in her 81st year as a beloved member of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Boston, died Thursday, December 5, 2024. Devoted daughter of John and Bridget (Meade) Quealy ...
For those who don't know what a motherhouse is, Sister Aloysius says it's like a house that is the headquarters where all the sisters from around the world can come back and call it their home.
Smith Co., St. Elizabeth Motherhouse, Jones Memorial Hospital, STORM ATHLETICS, Olean Christ United Methodist Church, Trans AM, Dance Arts, Boy Scouts 619; Town of Olean Fire Department ...